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Reveal Scan™ -M Spectral Imaging System
For Art and Cultural Heritage
Middleton Spectral Vision is pleased to introduce the Reveal Scan™ -M, a state-of-the-art visible and infrared imaging system, crafted specifically for museum conservators, curators, and art scientists with patent-pending technology. This innovative system is tailored to meet the special needs of the art and cultural heritage sectors, offering an accessible and affordable solution to automatically capture both visible and infrared wavelength ranges. The comprehensive system features a camera equipped with a wide wavelength range and automated wavelength selection, a built-in high performance lens, and dedicated light sources optimized for camera performance. This system is uniquely capable of revealing underpaintings, underdrawings, and intricate details that are often hidden beneath the surface of historical works. With its advanced imaging capabilities, the Reveal Scan™ -M gathers information about fine compositional differences by sampling select wavelength bands, including multiple visible and infrared bands that are perfectly aligned down to the pixel. The accompanying user-friendly analysis software enhances the underpainting further by enabling users to mathematically combine results from different imaging modes and wavelengths.